# Pastebin z6gMH6TX 1:59.60 TestCountPopulation.exe 1:59.77 Creating library TestBloomFilter.lib and object TestBloomFilter.exp 1:59.77 1:59.79 Creating library TestCasting.lib and object TestCasting.exp 1:59.79 1:59.82 Creating library TestCeilingFloor.lib and object TestCeilingFloor.exp 1:59.82 1:59.82 TestCountZeroes.exe 1:59.84 Creating library TestCheckedInt.lib and object TestCheckedInt.exp 1:59.84 1:59.84 TestEndian.exe 1:59.87 TestEnumSet.exe 1:59.87 TestFastBernoulliTrial.exe 2:00.12 Creating library TestCountPopulation.lib and object TestCountPopulation.exp 2:00.12 2:00.13 TestFloatingPoint.exe 2:00.15 Creating library TestCountZeroes.lib and object TestCountZeroes.exp 2:00.15 2:00.18 Creating library TestEndian.lib and object TestEndian.exp 2:00.18 2:00.19 TestFunction.exe 2:00.21 Creating library TestEnumSet.lib and object TestEnumSet.exp 2:00.23 2:00.23 TestIntegerPrintfMacros.exe 2:00.27 TestIntegerRange.exe 2:00.48 Creating library TestFastBernoulliTrial.lib and object TestFastBernoulliTrial.exp 2:00.48 2:00.51 Creating library TestFunction.lib and object TestFunction.exp 2:00.51 2:00.52 TestJSONWriter.exe 2:00.52 Creating library TestFloatingPoint.lib and object TestFloatingPoint.exp 2:00.54 2:00.54 TestLinkedList.exe 2:00.55 Creating library TestIntegerPrintfMacros.lib and object TestIntegerPrintfMacros.exp 2:00.55 2:00.59 TestMacroArgs.exe 2:00.60 TestMacroForEach.exe 2:00.84 Creating library TestIntegerRange.lib and object TestIntegerRange.exp 2:00.84 2:00.85 Creating library TestJSONWriter.lib and object TestJSONWriter.exp 2:00.85 2:00.87 TestMathAlgorithms.exe 2:00.90 TestMaybe.exe 2:00.91 Creating library TestLinkedList.lib and object TestLinkedList.exp 2:00.91 2:00.94 Creating library TestMacroArgs.lib and object TestMacroArgs.exp 2:00.94 2:00.94 TestPair.exe 2:00.99 TestRefPtr.exe 2:01.19 Creating library TestMacroForEach.lib and object TestMacroForEach.exp 2:01.19 2:01.21 Creating library TestMathAlgorithms.lib and object TestMathAlgorithms.exp 2:01.21 2:01.23 TestRollingMean.exe 2:01.24 TestScopeExit.exe 2:01.29 Creating library TestPair.lib and object TestPair.exp 2:01.29 2:01.29 Creating library TestMaybe.lib and object TestMaybe.exp 2:01.29 2:01.32 TestSegmentedVector.exe 2:01.35 TestSHA1.exe 2:01.54 Creating library TestRefPtr.lib and object TestRefPtr.exp 2:01.54 2:01.57 TestSplayTree.exe 2:01.57 Creating library TestRollingMean.lib and object TestRollingMean.exp 2:01.57 2:01.60 TestTemplateLib.exe 2:01.63 Creating library TestSegmentedVector.lib and object TestSegmentedVector.exp 2:01.63 2:01.65 Creating library TestScopeExit.lib and object TestScopeExit.exp 2:01.65 2:01.66 TestTuple.exe 2:01.69 TestTypedEnum.exe 2:01.88 Creating library TestSHA1.lib and object TestSHA1.exp 2:01.88 2:01.91 TestTypeTraits.exe 2:01.91 Creating library TestSplayTree.lib and object TestSplayTree.exp 2:01.91 2:01.96 TestUniquePtr.exe 2:02.01 Creating library TestTemplateLib.lib and object TestTemplateLib.exp 2:02.01 2:02.01 Creating library TestTuple.lib and object TestTuple.exp 2:02.01 2:02.04 TestVariant.exe 2:02.05 TestVector.exe 2:02.23 Creating library TestTypedEnum.lib and object TestTypedEnum.exp 2:02.23 2:02.26 TestWeakPtr.exe 2:02.27 Creating library TestTypeTraits.lib and object TestTypeTraits.exp 2:02.27 2:02.32 TestXorShift128PlusRNG.exe 2:02.34 Creating library TestUniquePtr.lib and object TestUniquePtr.exp 2:02.34 2:02.37 Creating library TestVariant.lib and object TestVariant.exp 2:02.37 2:02.38 TestPoisonArea.exe 2:02.59 Creating library TestVector.lib and object TestVector.exp 2:02.59 2:02.60 Creating library TestWeakPtr.lib and object TestWeakPtr.exp 2:02.60 2:02.68 Creating library TestXorShift128PlusRNG.lib and object TestXorShift128PlusRNG.exp 2:02.68 2:02.71 Creating library TestPoisonArea.lib and object TestPoisonArea.exp 2:02.71 2:05.89 c:/src/mozilla-central/config/recurse.mk:32: recipe for target 'compile' failed 2:05.89 mozmake.EXE[3]: *** [compile] Error 2 2:05.89 c:/src/mozilla-central/config/rules.mk:547: recipe for target 'default' failed 2:05.89 mozmake.EXE[2]: *** [default] Error 2 2:05.89 c:/src/mozilla-central/client.mk:396: recipe for target 'realbuild' failed 2:05.89 mozmake.EXE[1]: *** [realbuild] Error 2 2:05.89 client.mk:171: recipe for target 'build' failed 2:05.89 mozmake.EXE: *** [build] Error 2 2:05.93 4 compiler warnings present. 2 rforbes@FUZZER-WINDOWS /c/src/mozilla-central $