# Pastebin x98kajbO odyssey4me: hi, I successfully removed designate as you suggested on one of my AIOs (centos7/pike 16.0.2) and the dataprocessing cluster template creation from horizon is working 12:20 PM odyssey4me: I repeated the same process on another AIO (centos7/pike 16.0.1) but I can't re-create the Horizon container 12:20 PM → hamza21 joined (~hachi@ 12:22 PM W it fails at 'TASK [pip_install : Install EPEL and yum priorities plugin]' with error msg: http://mirror.centos.org/centos7/virt/x86_64/kvm-common/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno -1] Error importing repomd.xml for qemu-ev: Damaged repomd.xml 12:23 PM I destroyed the container and then re-created it with setup-everything limited to horizon. Also tried running setup everything without limiting to horizon, but same issue. Any ideas?