# Pastebin w5pCU0g4 Error: /Users/kevin/Code/Pony/json-rpc-pony/jsonrpc/error.pony:26:23: argument not a subtype of parameter ob.data("data") = data ^ Info: /usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.16.1/packages/json/json_type.pony:3:52: JsonArray ref is not a subtype of F64 val type JsonType is (F64 | I64 | Bool | None | String | JsonArray | JsonObject) ^ /usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.16.1/packages/json/json_type.pony:3:52: JsonArray ref is not a subtype of I64 val type JsonType is (F64 | I64 | Bool | None | String | JsonArray | JsonObject) ^ /usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.16.1/packages/json/json_type.pony:3:52: JsonArray ref is not a subtype of Bool val type JsonType is (F64 | I64 | Bool | None | String | JsonArray | JsonObject) ^ /usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.16.1/packages/json/json_type.pony:3:52: JsonArray ref is not a subtype of None val type JsonType is (F64 | I64 | Bool | None | String | JsonArray | JsonObject) ^ /usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.16.1/packages/json/json_type.pony:3:52: JsonArray ref is not a subtype of String val type JsonType is (F64 | I64 | Bool | None | String | JsonArray | JsonObject) ^ /usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.16.1/packages/json/json_type.pony:3:52: JsonArray box is not a subtype of JsonArray ref: box is not a subcap of ref type JsonType is (F64 | I64 | Bool | None | String | JsonArray | JsonObject) ^ /usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.16.1/packages/json/json_type.pony:3:52: JsonArray ref is not a subtype of JsonObject ref type JsonType is (F64 | I64 | Bool | None | String | JsonArray | JsonObject) ^ /Users/kevin/Code/Pony/json-rpc-pony/jsonrpc/error.pony:26:23: this->JsonArray ref is not a subtype of any element of (F64 val | I64 val | Bool val | None val | String val | JsonArray ref | JsonObject ref) ob.data("data") = data ^ /Users/kevin/Code/Pony/json-rpc-pony/jsonrpc/error.pony:26:23: not every element of (F64 val | I64 val | Bool val | None val | String val | this->JsonArray ref | this->JsonObject ref) is a subtype of (F64 val | I64 val | Bool val | None val | String val | JsonArray ref | JsonObject ref) ob.data("data") = data