# Pastebin uurRYByR johnsom: ping, Hi Michael, are you around? ;-). I will propose the tls encryption related scenario test in these weeks, I also introduce a new https server writen by go,but hit some issues, 1# when we startup the https server in VM, how we test it works by using floatingip defaultly, as the CN part of registered CSR should be a "valid" domain name, then we can use curl or some ways to test. So, for example, there is a case that when we use curl to request, we need to use domain name as the URL, this will cause that we have to change the local /etc/hosts in tempest env, and when test is done, we change it back, but I think this way is not the good(I think we'd better not to change the local tempest env.), could you please give some advices about how to do that? As after the whole test env is ready, we still using floatingip to test the whole function works. 2# So many tables in a join, you have mentioned. ;) . 3# In my proposal, I original think that we need to enable 2 tempest plugins(one is ourself, octavia-tempest-plugin, the other is barbican-tempest-plugin), so we need to config these services in "enabled services" option of tempest.conf . So I want to ask you whether it's too couple in this way. ;-). Thank you.