# Pastebin tWjLMbE4 ERROR:Pack:2908 - The I/O component "crg_ddram_clock_n" has an illegal IOSTANDARD value. The IOB component is configured to use single-ended signaling and can not use differential IOSTANDARD value DIFF_SSTL18_II. Two ways to rectify this issue are: 1) Change the IOSTANDARD value to a single-ended standard. 2) Correct the I/O connectivity by instantiating a differential I/O buffer. ERROR:Pack:2908 - The I/O component "crg_ddram_clock_p" has an illegal IOSTANDARD value. The IOB component is configured to use single-ended signaling and can not use differential IOSTANDARD value DIFF_SSTL18_II. Two ways to rectify this issue are: 1) Change the IOSTANDARD value to a single-ended standard. 2) Correct the I/O connectivity by instantiating a differential I/O buffer.