# Pastebin md3BsAIa 15:07:35 so - it think the planets are alining for internal tls 15:07:43 we have had a few rough starts on this before 15:08:10 but evaluating jetstacks cert manager, it looks to be the missing link in what was attempted before 15:08:30 id therefore like to propose that we use that to get this effort moving again 15:08:49 which we could break down into a couple of steps: 15:09:18 1) Jetstack Cert Manager 15:09:18 a) Chart 15:09:18 b) Deploy in gate with snakeoil ca 15:09:18 2) Chart updates 15:09:18 a) Add in option to create TLS cr, with required hostnames - ideally via htk macro similar to the ingress rule generator 15:09:19 b) Get tls certs generated for all internal services 15:09:19 c) Mount secrets into api pods 15:09:20 d) Enable tls and also set the ingress rule to support secure backends