# Pastebin j4kYIqeF warning: you did not specify '--add-root'; the result might be removed by the garbage collector /nix/store/4rhnd0jpfy1yxnimak0xknvzs7fmrp3l-nix-shell.drv evaluation statistics: time elapsed: 24.9693 size of a value: 24 size of an attr: 24 environments allocated count: 4440042 environments allocated bytes: 131603880 list elements count: 75808556 list elements bytes: 606468448 list concatenations: 568229 values allocated count: 15819930 values allocated bytes: 379678320 sets allocated: 1168103 (2130460072 bytes) right-biased unions: 486204 values copied in right-biased unions: 76863605 symbols in symbol table: 100929 size of symbol table: 3081521 number of thunks: 13120827 number of thunks avoided: 6988140 number of attr lookups: 2495751 number of primop calls: 3065233 number of function calls: 3838925 total allocations: 3248210720 bytes current Boehm heap size: 914882560 bytes total Boehm heap allocations: 3612998608 bytes