# Pastebin VqT6CteH hs-cimple/src/Language/Cimple/Annot.hs:18:29: error: [GHC-39999] • Could not deduce ‘Eq (AnnotF attr a)’ arising from the head of a quantified constraint arising from the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration from the context: Eq attr bound by the deriving clause for ‘Eq1 (AnnotF attr)’ at src/Language/Cimple/Annot.hs:18:29-31 or from: Eq a bound by a quantified context at src/Language/Cimple/Annot.hs:18:29-31 • When deriving the instance for (Eq1 (AnnotF attr)) | 18 | deriving (Show1, Read1, Eq1) via FunctorClassesDefault (AnnotF attr) | ^^^