# Pastebin O0FFWpn2 Blind. The word echoed through the quit common room as some as the ponies looked up at the stairs that the mare in the cloak had vanished up. Such a small word, blind, and all the more powerful for it. From the looks of the ponies filling the room, with there ears folded back, they where all struck speechless by it. But none where as touched as Heart Song. for one such as her who had everything, the very idea that some pony was lacking some so vital reached out and struck a chord deep inside her. Heart looked up at the stairs to second floor that the mare in cloak had dissipired up. Slowly she got up and trotted up toward the couple why had been talking before. "excuse me miss?" The mare turned around allowing Heart to finally see the mares face for the first time she was surprised to see none other then Bon-Bon the local confectionery maker and her next door neighbor. "Oh hey Bon-Bon do you know that mare?" Heart skeptically asked as she pointed up at stairs at the room that the mare was currently in "ooh Azure? you guess you could say that. I certainly use to but as you may have noticed she doesn't talk to ponies much anymore"" 'any more?' What happened. Heart wondered. "Best that you ask her she doesn't like ponies talking about her behind her back and you wouldn't believe how good her hearing is." And with that she was pulling on her rain coat to head home. "Oh and one more thing Heart" Lyra said next to Bon-Bon. "Yes?" "Don't mention the eyes to her okay? It's a sore spot for her." "B-B-Bu-ut how am i suppose to ask her about her blindness" Heart sputtered out in shock "Your a clever girl your figure it out." and with that they were gone in a flash of lighting.