# Pastebin Jv28YbhM Jordan W @jordwalke 13:41 I imagine a type-driven JSX would automatically use either named args, or records depending on what the makefunction expected. Sounds good. Also, Sander's JSX uses named args so if you use named args, people can use JSX easily. Cheng Lou @chenglou 13:42 @jordwalke how's the translation of named args -> props object/record gonna look like? I've been wondering about that API unless you also pass them this way to render Jordan W @jordwalke 13:43 I haven't figured out how to pass them this way to render, but it would be awesome. Cheng Lou @chenglou 13:43 state -> bunchOfPropsLabelledArgs -> ReactElement that'd be hard to type and generalize (where state can stay as a normal record/obj) Jordan W @jordwalke 13:43 I know, that's why I haven't done it. Cheng Lou @chenglou 13:44 we should probably notify sspi lol