# Pastebin JcbMOGqU Well, they say that when in Rome, do as the Romans do, Dale thought. And what's more Roman than a toga? All the senators and emperors wore them, if the movies were to be believed. There was a line of decorative trim on one end; if Rarity was holding it like it was meant to be worn, that was the bottom. He pulled it over his head and wormed his way through it, expecting to find a head-hole, but instead the whole tube was the same diameter, and taller than his body.  He held the top of it in puzzlement, until he noticed the large golden buttons on the inside.  Rarity watched him struggle to fold the top down and fasten the buttons with puzzlement.  She probably thinks I wear these all the time . . . no wonder she’s confused that I can’t figure it out. Once he’d gotten it buttoned, it made more sense: the top part draped over the bottom, giving the upper part a more voluminous appearance.  It was still too long, though.  He pulled up at the bottom, trying to figure out if there were any more attachments, when he noticed that she was pointing to a belt on his bed.  He grinned and grabbed it, cinching it around his waist, just above his hips.  When he pulled the fabric above the belt, it gave him good freedom of movement. It actually looks pretty good, he thought with wonder. The overall color, while not his first choice, spoke of wealth and sophistication without being pretentious. Had togas still been in fashion, this would have been a perfect outfit for a church service or even a wedding.