# Pastebin HjVOFPGq 1. Read the openstack-discuss mailing list. 2. Check ask.openstack.org. 3. Answer/read any PTL tagged e-mails. 4. Answer the foundation e-mails (rooms for PTG, attendance estimates, marketing blurbs, etc.). 5. Check for new stories and triage them. 6. Review new patches that came in, checking for anything critical. 7. Answer questions that come in the channel. (aka Building the community) 8. Prepare slides/presentations for the summits or other meetings. 9. Give training sessions to new teams wanting to work on Octavia. 2 hours for intro, 2 hours for deep code discussions. 10. Prepare the PTG rough agenda. 11. Manage the release lifecycles, make sure we release inside the required "part of a release" window. 12. Do many, many, many reviews. 13. Help others with patches as needed. (see above building the community) 14. Curate and update the documentation. 15. Curate and update the gate tests. 16. Check the periodic jobs for the stable branches. 17. Liaison with the Oslo team. 18. Liaison with the releases team. 19. Keep an eye on the octavia ansible role (core reviewer there too). 20. Keep an eye on infra. 21. Keep an eye on neutron. 22. Update the roadmap towards the end of each release. 23. Prepare the end of cycle "press blurb/highlights" for the foundation. 24. Coordinate across all of the repos (octavia, octavia-dashboard, python-octaviaclient, octavia-lib, openstack-sdk) to make sure we have feature parity. 25. Track and manage the community goals, making sure we meet them each cycle. 26. Keep an eye on diskimage-builder and resolve any issues that come up. 27. Keep an eye on barbican team. 28. Fix/help fix critical bugs. 29. Handle any security escalations from the VMT. 30. Prioritize and coordinate the end of cycle patches. 31. Present the "Project update" and "Project on-boarding" sessions at the summits. 32. Coordinate the neutron-lbaas deprecation with the neutron team and community. 33. Set the agenda and run the weekly IRC meetings. 34. Polish up the release notes and add a prelude. 35. Groom the story backlog. 36. Develop new useful features.