# Pastebin 7GjYQz78 9:19 AM I were told to join your chat, by 22loops. I am the manager of XSL coin. More information can be found here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=964865.0 -- We have collected 21.x bitcoin through our crowdfunding on a small exchange 9:20 AM Thanks Jack for helping me setup my account 9:20 AM — %Jack nods 9:20 AM I have no idea Fate, that's why I'm asking people lmfao 9:20 AM XSL seems like an interesting coin, tell us more 9:21 AM Fate, you like Voya? Dev holds 10% premine 9:22 AM <%Jack> "premine successfully dumped. thank you for your (buy) support" 9:22 AM <+Fate> never seen it 9:22 AM Well, we aim to create a casino. Our dice is ready and can be tested at www.xsldice.com . More than 1000 people have rolled so far, in 3 days, if I'm not mistaken. We will add BlackJack on our website, somewhere in mid March. After a month, we will add one more game. Not sure if it will be Roulette, or Wheel of Luck 9:23 AM If You have any question, please don't hesitate to ask! 9:23 AM <%Jack> what is "wheel of luck" 9:23 AM How does the casino work 9:23 AM Lmfao Jack 9:23 AM Jack, "wheel of luck" is a wheel, where you bet XSL. You have chances to earn 2x, x4 of your initial bet. Or lose. It's all about gambling 9:24 AM nocoins, that's a general question. Can you be more direct, please? 9:24 AM "How does a car work?" 9:24 AM <%Jack> XSL_Manager: what will the house edge be on these games? 9:24 AM Jack, it wont be more than 1% 9:24 AM <%Jack> are you based in the states? 9:24 AM Jack, we are based in the UK 9:24 AM Gambling is forbidden in Islam, do you have a more halal version of your casino? 9:24 AM <%Jack> is gambling illegal in UK? 9:25 AM Gambling is not illegal in the UK and it's not taxed :) 9:25 AM <%Jack> kk 9:25 AM Wait what, gambling wins are not taxed in the UK? Damn 9:25 AM wow so bullish 9:25 AM nocoins, I am not sure what would that mean? If it's forbidden, then we can't force you to use our website 9:25 AM someone has to pay the tax 9:26 AM <+Fate> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/nNw1mcrP Plain Text • 4 lines raw | line numbers 1 2 3 4 Http://tiny.cc/GoodDate ⇦-speed of about sluts Http://tiny.cc/LoveLife ⇦ looking for love life Translated by Bing 9:26 AM <+Fate> thanks bing 9:26 AM <+Fate> lol 9:26 AM <%Jack> https://twitter.com/marcoporretto/status/571206172025458688 9:26 AM <+c-cex-yuriy> Strange... Voya does not respond to RPC.... 9:26 AM <%Jack> anybody know this guy? 9:26 AM "buying some under" 9:26 AM 1 hour MACD 9:26 AM -> bought under 5k 9:26 AM crossing 9:27 AM lmao 1 hours macd 9:27 AM HankieCode: The operators of casinos pay taxes. Not the players 9:27 AM ⇐ Gorj quit (Borj@private-1303813A.ncc.abo.bbox.fr) 9:27 AM If that's what you mean? 9:27 AM yes 9:29 AM you ahve to be a member of acasino in the uk to be able to gamble 9:29 AM however since its a website who gives a fuck 9:29 AM That's for real casinos although 9:29 AM Lmfao HankieCode 9:29 AM XSL_Manager: why not just use Bitcoin 9:29 AM "buying under 5K" 9:29 AM hehe wouldn't express myself like that, but yes 9:29 AM >coin has never gone above 5K 9:30 AM afaik there's no advantage to using your alt besides the obvious financial incentive to your staff 9:30 AM CollinCrypto: Because we think that other coins can succeed, besides bitcoin. Each coin can have its purpose 9:30 AM <%Jack> nocoins: it has before, but i think you were afk from crypto at the time, nursing your margin call wounds. 9:30 AM CollinCrypto: We will be promoting our website on different websites across the internet, all related to gambling with bitcoin 9:30 AM Ouch why you gotta bring that up man :P 9:30 AM Hahaha, just kidding, yeah I see it now :D 9:31 AM also its illegal to gamble if you are under 18 9:31 AM Sucks for KingBTC 9:31 AM I assume that's a worldwide rule? 9:31 AM → Lc joined (Lc@D302F3E9.DD53E746.F3169D0A.IP) 9:31 AM <%Jack> no 9:31 AM No need to bring it up in here hehe. There will be a disclaimer on our website 9:32 AM everything xsl does, BTC does better? 9:32 AM lol 9:32 AM let's make a dicecoin for just gambling dice. and a poker coin for just gambling poker 9:32 AM CollinCrypto: Everything FIAT does, BMW does better? 9:32 AM <%Jack> CollinCrypto: xsl is faster! 9:32 AM <%Jack> XSL_Manager: that was not a good analogy, j/s 9:32 AM lol 9:33 AM some good swings while i slept 9:33 AM XSL is faster. Our blocks are much faster. 60 seconds blocks 9:33 AM only caught 1 9:33 AM NoCoins I think JBS got to like 10-11k 9:33 AM boo 9:33 AM ah ok so Litecoin does it better 9:33 AM that worked out well 9:33 AM lol Collin 9:33 AM ;) 9:33 AM <%Jack> it did until OKC took away x20 shorting. 9:33 AM SJS_: Bittrex disagrees? o.o 9:33 AM <%Jack> nocoins: bittrex took away some of their trade data "to save space" or some shit 9:33 AM Well, there some paradox questions. Which both sides can be right, or both wrong 9:33 AM It can't. I sold some at 10k 9:33 AM <+Pyramusx> Lol I love how fast ccex dev added voya 9:34 AM Ohhhh gotcha Jack 9:34 AM → Tester2 joined (Tester2@private-C629A4BF.ip-91-121-134.eu) 9:34 AM so whats the premine on xsl? 9:34 AM lol 9:34 AM <%Jack> yeah, I was going to write off my NJA losses on my taxes, but couldn't find the trade history 9:34 AM I'm just not seeing the reason to own any. you need an angle that makes xsl better than BTC in your niche 9:34 AM 100% premined. All coins are offered here: https://empoex.com/trade/XSL-BTC 9:34 AM Pyramusx: Isn't VOYA launched 6 days ago? 9:35 AM Didn't* 9:35 AM Lmfao Jack 9:35 AM <+Fate> XSL = DRAFT 9:35 AM CollinCrypto: BTC wont be PoS ever, it wont have a dice game inside of its QT 9:35 AM <+Pyramusx> nocoins: Yeah around that 9:35 AM Nor a casino 9:35 AM <+Pyramusx> It's has a supply of 750,000 and uses a new ALGO 9:35 AM <+Pyramusx> Some shit called PLUCK 9:35 AM dice inside qt is a start 9:36 AM <+Fate> but anyone could compile a btc wallet with a ton of dice and casino and so forth websites 9:36 AM using pos isn't an advantage 9:36 AM <+Fate> they arent on the blockchain 9:36 AM We are working full time on our project. To be honest. We have collected enough BTC to host and protect our website for 1 year 9:36 AM <%Jack> Pyramusx: i lost intersted in VOYA when I saw the new algo, and realized i couldn't insta'mine it. 9:36 AM <+Fate> $29.95 will do that 9:37 AM <+Pyramusx> lol 9:37 AM you are like the 10th casino coin to appear 9:37 AM send me money and you can get a token to gamble with! 9:37 AM — %Jack remembers Spire and cries. 9:37 AM satoshi dice has been around for years 9:37 AM works just fine 9:37 AM lmao 100% premined 9:38 AM give me a reason why users should use xsl instead 9:38 AM Why? Okay 9:38 AM lol 9:38 AM xsl is not even on coinmarket cap 9:38 AM <+Fate> guh, spire was literally the best idea 9:38 AM it opens up fast gambling possibilities for users with a) 9:38 AM <+Fate> and no one wanted to make money 9:38 AM cheap coins and large amounts and b) fast block times for quick transactions and 9:38 AM c) dedicated to the purpose 9:38 AM no one even knows how many there are in total 9:38 AM <%Jack> Fate: "is?" 9:38 AM <%Jack> :( 9:38 AM <%Jack> I thought it was on ice. 9:39 AM <+Fate> it is 9:39 AM <%Jack> XSL_Manager: there is no such thing as "cheap coins," j/s 9:39 AM Lol cheap coins? 9:39 AM How can be a coin on coinmarketcan if its blockchain doesn't exist yet? :) 9:39 AM gamble with something thats no valuable ? 9:39 AM *not 9:39 AM It's far cheaper to gamble with XSL, than BTC 9:40 AM <+Fate> if i wanted cheap coins with stability and gambling, id buy doge 9:40 AM What? 9:40 AM Use less btc 9:40 AM ^ 9:40 AM Lmfao 9:40 AM 10:39 AM It's far cheaper to gamble with XSL, than BTC 9:40 AM lolol 9:40 AM Are you a gambler? 9:40 AM Okay. Not interested. 9:40 AM No I'm NoCoins 9:40 AM that makes no sense friend 9:40 AM <+Fate> it actually costs more than btc 9:40 AM <+Fate> you cant cash btc out at circle or coinbase if you win 9:40 AM It can't cost more than btc, since btc is the value you're buying it with.. 9:41 AM <+Fate> yup 9:41 AM lololol 9:41 AM <+Fate> xfer fees 9:41 AM <+Fate> think 9:41 AM Anyway, if you have any logical and reasonable, non troll-ish questions, please ask me. 9:41 AM Exchanges fees though 9:41 AM XSL = cost of BTC, plus exchange fees, plus gambling site fees, plus exchange winnings to BTC. 9:41 AM ⇐ DaRk quit (Guy_icogni@private-A15C88CC.adsl.highway.telekom.at) Connection reset by peer 9:41 AM <+Fate> ^ 9:41 AM but 1 btc = 1 btc how can xsl be cheaper? 9:41 AM None of us are trolling 9:41 AM +1 CollinCrypto 9:41 AM We are just the anti-Fraud protection squad 9:41 AM and we're bringing up pertinent points 9:41 AM I have only spoken logical statements 9:41 AM blckmstr: How? Have you checked our Crowdfunding's structure? 9:42 AM <%Jack> actually, the only troll would be 22loops because he sent you here, probably acting all innocent and shit. 9:42 AM We had coins at 10/20/30/40 satoshi. Now it's at 50 satoshi 9:42 AM People who bought at 10, have made already profit, without doing anything 9:42 AM <@dustin> mfw http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/3988902/dexter-rage-o.gif 9:42 AM and Ponzis work great for awhile 9:42 AM The people who bought it at 50 have already lost, without doing anything 9:42 AM <+Fate> not saying that 9:42 AM You're saying that our Crowdfunding is a ponzi? :) haha 9:43 AM Do you know what a ponzi is actually? 9:43 AM <+Fate> no one is saying you cant profit from your coin, or that its a bad idea to have a casino 9:43 AM probbly 9:43 AM → DaRk joined (Guy_icogni@private-A15C88CC.adsl.highway.telekom.at) 9:43 AM no I'm not 9:43 AM <%Jack> such a conniving duck, he is. 9:43 AM <+Fate> people are asking why xsl over btc 9:43 AM <+Fate> and you havent proven it 9:43 AM I'm saying buying at the top of a ponzi doesn't make it a sound investment 9:43 AM lol 9:43 AM XSL_Manager: Can I buy some for 10 satoshi? 9:43 AM it can still be profitable 9:43 AM Fate: I have answered to that question 9:43 AM Much political, very wow Collin 9:43 AM your argument is invalid 9:43 AM nocoins: Now you can't. They have been sold out 9:43 AM <%Jack> a decent answer to that question is "because it's my casino, and that's the coin i desire to work with within my casino" 9:43 AM Oh wow, how much did you pay for them 9:43 AM <%Jack> not "because it's cheaper than BTC" 9:43 AM <+c-cex-yuriy> Anybody can bring me VOYA dev? His daemon works but not responding to RPC. Tell him my skype please: "cicecx" 9:44 AM if you deposit btc to finex trade wallet directly can you move it to exchange or deposit 9:44 AM <%Jack> Pyramusx: ^ 9:44 AM <+Fate> no idea who it is yuriy 9:44 AM because it says the deposit is complete but 9:44 AM but you can say that now, because you painted yourself into a corner 9:44 AM <%Jack> Boreiv: yep! 9:44 AM it's not showing up 9:44 AM <@dustin> yes boreiv 9:44 AM on the manage wallet 9:44 AM <@dustin> click manage wallets 9:44 AM for some reason 9:44 AM c-cex-yuriy: your best bet is bitcointalk 9:44 AM nocoins, well, if you do your own research and see that buys started a few hours after our Crowdfunding started, you might realize that we had the chance to "buy" as many we wanted, but we didn't. 9:44 AM <+c-cex-yuriy> Collin yes, I pm'd him already. Just though anybody from here could know him 9:45 AM gotcha 9:45 AM <%Jack> 10:44 AM but you can say that now, because you painted yourself into a corner 9:45 AM <%Jack> yup. 9:45 AM <%Jack> man, i really should start up that crypto'PR firm. 9:45 AM We could do that, but there is no point of doing it. We want to focus on more important things 9:45 AM and they are? 9:45 AM Like spending money on hookers in Latvia 9:45 AM ? 9:45 AM I don't see any point of destroying your own currency 9:46 AM of all the altcoins, who didnt destroy their own currency? 9:46 AM SJS_: You are offending me. Please be polite. I am being polite towards everyone. 9:46 AM I don't see any point of creating your own currency either... 9:46 AM Fair enough. 9:46 AM xsl if you offer us a cut on the pnd 9:46 AM maybe well help you out 9:46 AM lol 9:46 AM Nothing much, 35-40% 9:47 AM We are not interested for pumps and dumps. All we're focusing at is our website and side projects I mentioned before 9:47 AM but thats just your word 9:47 AM What side projects? 9:47 AM But anyways, the points raised here are pertinent, and haven't been answered 9:47 AM or answered inadquetly 9:47 AM → TheyreOutThere joined (TheyreOutT@private-C301F138.cm-7-6b.dynamic.ziggo.nl) 9:47 AM I understand that there have been scams and that there will be scams. I'm not in a position to change anyone's mind with words. Time will show if our project is legal/legit, or not 9:48 AM — +Fate looks at pink 9:48 AM btw 9:48 AM — +Fate looks at doge 9:48 AM — SJS_ channels Mark Cuban: "I'm out" 9:48 AM <+Fate> beat those and we can chat 9:48 AM how are you registered uk but you are not from the uk? 9:48 AM blckmstr: Do you believe in privacy? 9:49 AM no 9:49 AM jtrig in da house 9:49 AM Well, I do 9:49 AM And I protect myself on the internet. 9:49 AM so you are 1 person then? 9:49 AM xsl is 1 person? 9:49 AM You're talking about my IP 9:50 AM ⇐ TheyreOutThere quit (TheyreOutT@private-C301F138.cm-7-6b.dynamic.ziggo.nl) Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client 9:50 AM That's why I'm giving you that answer. And no, it's me and my brother, who does all the code 9:50 AM <%Jack> hey, what's Semen's twitter handle? 9:50 AM Why do you think I asked you if you believe in privacy? You don't use VPNs to surf the web? 9:51 AM Not telling you jack 9:51 AM <%Jack> i need it 9:51 AM <+Fate> im on a vpn thru a web based irc client 9:51 AM <+Fate> lol 9:51 AM just search david seman 9:51 AM I don't want you setting of a bitcoin apocalypse 9:51 AM Off 9:51 AM <+Fate> @d_seaman 9:52 AM Then you know what I'm talking about, Fate 9:52 AM thanks guys. we really are going down to 80 bucks now 9:52 AM <+Fate> so what does privacy have to do with anything then? 9:52 AM <%Jack> hmm... maybe i have him blocked. 9:52 AM <+Fate> i lost that opening 9:52 AM lol 9:52 AM Fate: Why are you hiding your identity on the internet then? 9:53 AM <%Jack> maybe i'm blocked. 9:53 AM I am a person. Doesn't matter if I'm involved with this project or not, as a person, I want/need my privacy 9:53 AM <+Fate> im asking you why this conversation started 9:53 AM — %Jack is gravely insulted 9:53 AM <+Fate> lol jack 9:53 AM Sounds like you're just hiding things honestly XSL 9:53 AM Most big companies have public owners 9:53 AM <+Fate> i take privacy seriously lol 9:53 AM We are still new 9:53 AM whats that got to do with setting up your company in a country that youre not from? 9:53 AM ⇐ zewelor quit (x@private-82C36980.dynamic.chello.pl) Quit: -!- May the force be with You -!- 9:53 AM <+Fate> this handle and email are linked to nothing else i do online but crypto 9:53 AM Everyone knows who made Satoshi Dice 9:53 AM <%Jack> if i was running a casino, i'd be anon. 9:54 AM If you're anonymous you'll just run away with the money once it's in your hands 9:54 AM → zewelor joined (x@private-82C36980.dynamic.chello.pl) 9:54 AM You have no incentive to stay 9:54 AM ok riddle me this, why is it 100% premined? 9:54 AM → CryptoBrah joined (textual@BC8D383A.B929B79C.6CC2B0FE.IP) 9:54 AM Unsold coins will be destroyed 9:55 AM <%Jack> blckmstr: cause it's an ico 9:55 AM It doesn't matter if it's 50% premined, or 100% premined 9:55 AM I am here to spread the word and answer to people, not to get attacked 9:55 AM But your points are horrendous and make you sound sketchy at best 9:55 AM As you see I'm a serious person. I have a wife and a kid. I'm 29 years old 9:55 AM theres no way to audit the destruction of unsold coins 9:55 AM <+Fate> this isnt attacking 9:55 AM so yeah you're getting attacked 9:55 AM Lol 9:56 AM huge air quotes 9:56 AM what did i stumble into here 9:56 AM <+Fate> this is making you answer questions so that we are interested 9:56 AM Well, I feel like I'm being attacked for some reason :) 9:56 AM I will answer to questions, but some other people are twisting the answer.. 9:56 AM <+Fate> you know how many devs are in here 9:56 AM XSLcoin? 9:56 AM <+Fate> and how many have not survived 9:56 AM yeah 9:56 AM No, I don't know, Fate 9:56 AM 6 9:57 AM exactly 6 9:57 AM <+Fate> lol 9:57 AM Okay. 9:57 AM <+Fate> quite a lot actually 9:57 AM XSL you never answered my question... 9:57 AM ^^ 9:57 AM What's to stop you from running away with our coins if you're so anonymous? 9:57 AM <+Fate> arch, via, sat2, jbs, naut, (sorta bryce coins, and a bunch more cba'd to list 9:57 AM Nothing, nocoins. But I / we, don't see the point to do that. This is a long term project 9:58 AM <+Fate> qslv 9:58 AM <+Fate> (sorry jack, lol) 9:58 AM <%Jack> XSL_Manager: this is a tough crowd, don't take it personally. 9:58 AM Ok so why should we take that risk with you over a more established dice site? 9:58 AM <%Jack> Fate: lol. hang on a sec 9:58 AM <+Fate> dice.ninja = rekt 9:58 AM <+Fate> and people liked that guy 9:58 AM Not to mention the risk of a hack or theft 9:59 AM nocoins: bitcoin we collect will be used to secure our servers. 9:59 AM <%Jack> http://pbrd.co/1E4jZ6s 9:59 AM Please read the ann, you will find most of answers to your questions there: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=964865.0 9:59 AM I doubt it 9:59 AM Well, then I can't help you, nor I can force you to do anything 10:00 AM if you can't answer the questions we asked already you, we certainly won't find them in the ann 10:00 AM Ok but again 10:00 AM Why should we take that risk with you over a more established dice site? 10:00 AM can i join any scam teams? 10:00 AM SJS_: Which questions exactly? I think I answered everything I saw 10:00 AM nocoins: Are you a gambler? 10:00 AM Yes, I make calculated bets 10:00 AM This is a gambling project 10:00 AM <&btcdrak> #thedragonsden 10:00 AM Then you know then answer 10:00 AM LOL 10:01 AM Gambling is gambling 10:01 AM There's no "why 10:01 AM house of cards! 10:01 AM ⇐ gueriLLaPunK quit (hi@private-CE7A609E.is.in.ur.box.lookin.thru.ur.seriesoftub.es) Quit: Rebooting. 10:01 AM "why"* in gambling 10:01 AM — SJS_ calculates risks ... Risks greatly outweigh rewards ... allocates funds elsewhere 10:01 AM If you like our website, you will gamble on our website. If you like free XSL, you will get free XSL from our website. If you enjoy chatting with gamblers, you will chat with gamblers on our website 10:01 AM — +Fate is stealing collins idea and making monthly coins 10:02 AM If you enjoy staking coins and playing the same time, you'll do it through XSL wallet 10:02 AM <+Fate> https://i.imgur.com/rmdSxh.jpg 10:02 AM <+Fate> ^ stole that too 10:02 AM I didn't come here to promote the crowdfunding. I came here because I was told to come, by 22loops 10:02 AM LOL 10:02 AM HAHAHAHAHA 10:02 AM <+Fate> will your games be open source in the wallet 10:02 AM <%Jack> XSL_Manager: 22loops is conniving. 10:02 AM <+Fate> if so, i will like you more 10:03 AM <%Jack> 11:02 AM <•Fate> will your games be open source in the wallet 10:03 AM <+Fate> if they are webpages, i will hate you more 10:03 AM <%Jack> that's important. 10:03 AM Fate: It's all about open source. Our website however, wont be open source 10:03 AM <+Fate> so, a website in a wallet 10:03 AM <+Fate> much innovated 10:03 AM Something like that 10:03 AM But not a website in a wallet.. :) 10:03 AM <+Fate> it either is or isnt 10:04 AM APIs will be connected to our website. We wont have a website inside of our wallet 10:04 AM → loomdart joined (uid38845@private-26B35E9C.irccloud.com) 10:04 AM If that's what you mean 10:04 AM what did I miss 10:04 AM Anyway, thanks for everyone's time. I must head off now. Have a great day everyone and take care 10:04 AM ⇐ XSL_Manager quit (XSL_Manage@75033418.53E335A5.9D786B70.IP) Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client