# Pastebin 5eFgQMXc [2019-03-31 12:49:08] → superblobby joined (uid259560@synIRC-E3E989A1.charlton.irccloud.com) [2019-03-31 12:49:13] hello [2019-03-31 12:50:58] FloppyPhoenix: did you see the fire crab [2019-03-31 12:51:20] Firecrab? Nop [2019-03-31 12:51:30] What is this lovely firecrab [2019-03-31 12:51:44] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/bQNFxrxW/image.png [2019-03-31 12:51:51] he burn [2019-03-31 12:51:52] firecrab cometh [2019-03-31 12:52:41] Fire burnin' [2019-03-31 12:53:16] → RoGamer266 joined (~Mibbit@85D5C692.76865EF7.5DDDF42E.IP) [2019-03-31 12:53:39] hi [2019-03-31 12:53:45] hello [2019-03-31 12:53:54] wassup [2019-03-31 12:54:16] nothing really, I haven't been here for a while [2019-03-31 12:54:39] → TheSomnambulist joined (Mibbit@synIRC-9578A2C1.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) [2019-03-31 12:55:11] i was here yesterday [2019-03-31 12:55:13] it was nice [2019-03-31 12:55:36] → Metaphysician joined (Mibbit@3241E870.32E14A7B.373D4A94.IP) [2019-03-31 12:56:01] ⇐ RoGamer266 quit (~Mibbit@85D5C692.76865EF7.5DDDF42E.IP): Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client [2019-03-31 12:56:07] I bet it was [2019-03-31 12:56:09] cool [2019-03-31 12:56:15] and he's gone [2019-03-31 12:56:37] no newer people in here atm it seems [2019-03-31 12:56:39] https://66.media.tumblr.com/c5cb6c336469baf85e20b4df522a1560/tumblr_peejtcQ0bQ1rq8d8ro1_540.jpg [2019-03-31 12:57:14] Oh hey superblobby [2019-03-31 12:57:22] Give me a reason not to ban your ass right now [2019-03-31 12:57:42] ah, it's you [2019-03-31 12:57:54] you're the reason I left [2019-03-31 12:57:54] .lc [2019-03-31 12:57:58] Damn straight it's me [2019-03-31 12:58:01] Metaphysician: SCP-336-J: Not a Device That Can't Make Tea (Written 3 hours ago By: Henzoid) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-336-j [2019-03-31 12:58:02] Metaphysician: SCP-4312: Drift Into the Sky (Written 17 hours ago By: CryonicAutumn) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4312 [2019-03-31 12:58:03] Metaphysician: SCP-4103: Holiday in Hell (Written 1 day ago By: Azmoeth Jikandia) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4103 [2019-03-31 12:58:12] fuck you [2019-03-31 12:58:16] Yep [2019-03-31 12:58:18] ← superblobby left (uid259560@synIRC-E3E989A1.charlton.irccloud.com): [2019-03-31 12:58:18] Bye [2019-03-31 12:58:26] * CorvusCaurinus set channel modes +b *!*@synIRC-E3E989A1.charlton.irccloud.com [2019-03-31 12:58:53] why was he banned> [2019-03-31 12:58:54] ? [2019-03-31 12:59:04] if im allowed to ask [2019-03-31 12:59:05] sorry [2019-03-31 12:59:41] Well, he was spoken to, not even kicked, about like... coming into 19 to bitch about how much 19 sucked and how he didn't want to be in it like four or five times in a week peiord [2019-03-31 12:59:44] *period [2019-03-31 12:59:53] Yeah, I don't get it either [2019-03-31 13:00:06] i was about to say [2019-03-31 13:00:18] Nerd [2019-03-31 13:00:33] geckoguy: nice crustacean [2019-03-31 13:00:34] His response to being told to stay out of 19 if he didn't want to be in 19 was to change his wikidot about to be what a monster I am and how I should go fuck myself [2019-03-31 13:00:39] Well, they made that easy. [2019-03-31 13:00:48] They really, really did [2019-03-31 13:01:20] oof [2019-03-31 13:01:31] Who wants to read a skip? 👀 [2019-03-31 13:01:34] And like, it's not like I don't know I'm probably the "roughest" of the ops but like... what triggered this wasn't even a kick? [2019-03-31 13:02:05] It's an I'd say fairly understandable "hey stop ruining the channel for everyone else if you don't want to be here"