# Pastebin 2heitKfH Differences:- 1. Main one is control over what's happening to yourdeployment, as in with kolla-k8s you have much more detailed control over it, super useful for brownfield deployments,that was main reason openstack-helm wanted their own project - disagreementregarding granularity of charts.if you ask Michal it's not too bigdifference, thing about k8s vs os-helm is that we will have betterarchitecture at the end it took him a while to understand where it'll shine sothat's what we believe now. [Michal] 2. os-helmdoes it via helm charts – kk8s generate the helm charts using the config methodthat kolla-ansible uses. So openstack-helm claim readability (Not correctexactly) [rwellum] 3. complete implementation of ironicin kk8s to spawn new nodes via ironic - and have that dynamically expand thecontrol and compute planes [sdake] 4. Biggest difference is microcharts, in osh you have chart neutron,kk8s have chart neutron-database-init which means you can *just* initializedatabase something extremely usefulfor brownfield-like scenarios this granularity gives us control over flow of deployment problem is, it hurtsreadability (golang template language doesn't help too) Michal would really loveto merge projects at some point, but reason is we don't do that our condition is this brownfield compatibility