# Pastebin 0qaGpdhG q-agt.log:2017-04-11 17:06:01.216 13090 ERROR neutron.agent.ovsdb.impl_vsctl [req-770defe6-da9d-4eea-bf7b-7587914b44a6 - -] Unable to e xecute ['ovs-vsctl', '--timeout=10', '--oneline', '--format=json', '--', '--id=@manager', 'create', 'Manager', 'target="ptcp:6640:127.0 .0.1"', '--', 'add', 'Open_vSwitch', '.', 'manager_options', '@manager']. Exception: Exit code: 1; Stdin: ; Stdout: ; Stderr: ovs-vsctl : transaction error: {"details":"Transaction causes multiple rows in \"Manager\" table to have identical values (\"ptcp:6640:\ ") for index on column \"target\". First row, with UUID 8cac11c5-8299-4475-bd40-2a1b9905243e, existed in the database before this tran saction and was not modified by the transaction. Second row, with UUID 989e1096-6d22-4cd6-a331-bd92d652ee28, was inserted by this tran saction.","error":"constraint violation"}